1st Sunday of Advent Or..... Virtual Advent Wreath--Click the Wick Each Week to Light! (dayoftheunbornchild.com) The season of Advent is a tradition that expands the spiritual meaning of Christmas outside of the few days of gift giving, just as the 12 Days of Christmas extends it beyond. It is a time of watching and waiting… An Advent wreath like the one featured on this page is a time-honoured way to count down the four Sundays before Christmas. Click on the first purple candle wick to light it. The first candle is lit for hope. Time for our 1st song Faithful one - Robin Mark - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxviwvjyg1w Throughout history, God has been faithful to his people- even when they messed up again and again and again. So much so, that God felt he had to send his only Son to rescue his people from all the bad that they had done. Much of our Old Testament in the bible is books by the prophets who foretold of the coming Messiah- Jesus. Throughout the Old Testament God u...