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Showing posts from March, 2020

Sunday March 29th Service - Passion Sunday

Welcome to St. Catherine's Today is Passion Sunday. This Sunday we start on the path that leads us to Easter. From here, we walk with Jesus towards Jerusalem. Next week is Palm Sunday and then follow the events of Holy Week. >>CLICK HERE TO GO TO TODAY'S SUNDAY CLUB ACTIVITY PAGE<< We meet in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen Song : Light of the world Almighty God, to whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hidden: cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy name; through Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us admit to God the sin which always confronts us. Lord God, we have sinned against you; we have done evil in your sight. We are sorry and repent. Have mercy on us according to your love. Wash away our wrongdoing and cleanse us from our sin. Renew a r...

Sunday March 29th - Sunday Club - The Raising of Lazarus

RESOURCES You will need one 'parcel' with nothing inside it for the 'PASS THE PARCEL' game. Normally, to make the 'parcel' a prize is wrapped in several layers of wrapping paper of fabric. Each layer wrapped as if you were wrapping a gift. If possible, use a different fabric or paper for each layer so you can see the different layers when each one is unwrapped. This time, do not pu a prize inside and use only a few layers, perhaps 2-3. a Gingerbread person or some form of biscuit, a bit of icing and, if possible, 'red shoe laces' to wrap around a happy and a sad face to hold up. You can print and cutout the faces below or draw your own a small box with a lid a piece of paper with Jesus written on it paper and pens SUNDAY CLUB ACTIVITIES The Raising of Lazarus Game... We are going to play a game... PASS THE PARCEL... 'PASS THE PARCEL' is a British party game. During the game, music is played as the parcel is passed ar...

Friday 27th March - Daniel in the Lion's Den

Welcome to GLU Last week we looked at the first part of Daniel’s story and this week we are going to look at probably the most famous story about Daniel. Daniel in the Lion’s Den I wonder if you have ever found yourself in a difficult situation- one that you wished you weren’t in- one to be rescued from. Daniel was popular with king Darius but not with all the king’s men. This is his story… Can you fill this in- you can just say the answers… So the other servants of the king wanted to get rid of Daniel- they certainly explored all the options as this next video shows…  Time for a song… are you ready to join in? The one important thing Daniel hung onto was his faith in God. Even when all about him seemed doom and gloom. Sometimes life is really hard and we think we are not going to get through something. That is where the world finds itself at the moment. That is where we find ourselves at the moment… People are frightened, people are worried abo...

Sunday March 22nd - The Story of Ruth

Welcome to St Catherine's As we've now gone online for all our services, I'm trying out this as a blog. So if you follow down the page here we should share the service as if we were all together in our building! All the music and videos are links- so when we get to that part, click and listen to the readings and songs! We're looking at the story of Ruth - a little book tucked in after Judges and before Kings in the Old Testament. Many people celebrate Mothering Sunday today but I'd like to look at people who weren't related that closely, came from different countries and peoples but still took care of each other and found that God was faithful to them. Let's gather together this Sunday at 10.30 am worship! Welcome to our Service The Story of Ruth: Faithfulness Rises From Tragedy. We meet in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit   Amen Song: Mighty to Save click on: